Huwebes, Setyembre 1, 2011



                                Faith, trust and a little bit of pixie dust! How can ever I forget this famous line? I have always believed in and actually still believe in the existence of Peter Pan and The Neverland. Yes, I may sound like a fool, but I am proud to tell the world that I am a fan and believer of Peter Pan, the lost boys, Tinker Bell and other characters from the fanatical yet inspiring story.

                                There has always been a child in me – a child who believes in fairies (I do, I do), a child who loves to imagine and think of the extraordinary. I cannot deny the fact that I got several queer stares from my younger siblings when I told them about my belief in Peter. I cannot blame them; I am already turning 17 in less than a month. I am a teenager, somewhere in between those carefree childhood days and those busy professional life days. However, those peculiar looks did not discourage me from believing or standing for what I believe in. In fact, those stares made me stronger. I stand for a belief – something which is not to be proven, I just stand for it.

                                At this very young age, my friends recognize me as “The Loyal One”. Being given this title is both daunting and challenging. It is a compliment, for it just proves that I know something about reliability, fidelity and being honest, plus the knowledge of “stick-to-one” policy. On the other hand, it is a challenge – a very big challenge to sustain my title and to stand for it at all times. I would love to compare myself to Peter Pan for he has always been interested in and loyal to Wendy. Despite the fact that they both had to live in different worlds, he has made a constant growing relationship with her, though Wendy was not aware of it.


                                BOICE (pronounced as /boys/) – this is a fans’ club name of CNBLUE (Code Name: Burning, Lovely, Untouchable, Emotional – each adjective corresponds to a member). CNBLUE is a well – known Korean boy band. And, when I say “boy band”, it is a playing band with those musical instruments and stimulating capabilities. Boice can also refer to the fan him/herself. He/she is the voice of the band. He/she exclaims what CNBLUE can do and what makes them unique from any other band. Boices are, according to CNBLUE’s leader, CNBLUE’s strength and inspiration to make good music all the way. CNBLUE is the motivation of the Boices. With CNBLUE, they are united as one and realize that life without music is a lie. These are just a few reasons why Boices and CNBLUE coexist with each other.

 I am a certified Boice and I am very proud of it. It is actually already a part of who I am today. The CNBLUE members are musicians who are not blinded by their fame, and prestige. I admire them for this, for knowing their authentic goal and not forgetting what made them have their present position. DA JUKJA! YEAH! (Let’s die together! Yeah!) is one of their mottos, proving that someday they could be the “Grandpa Band” that they dream of.

Each member has his own distinct potentials and charismatic characteristics. The adjective assigned to each one of them suits the member’s profile and personality very well.

                                BURNING Lee Jong Hyun is a self – proclaimed “Guitar Freak.” He is the man behind “The Soothing Melodic Voice” and astounding guitar skills. He handles the vocals and lead guitars of the band. He is also into composing songs – many of which are in Japanese because he grew up in Japan. His chic smile is his best facial asset, according to many of his fans (or lovers). Beware!  This dude, at a young age of 21, already had 8 girlfriends! Now that is a sound proof of his unquestionable charisma. Aside from music, he is also into various sports – he was in fact a black belter for both Taekwondo and Judo back then. Disregarding his big tendency of turning lonesome, for me, he is an almost – perfect individual. My friend and I actually name him as the “Edward Cullen of CNBLUE.” With most of his characteristics considered, I believe he is worthy to be called by such. Haha! :)

                                LOVELY Kang Min Hyuk owns the title of having the “Eye Smile” in the band. This maknae – looking little drummer boy has the fairest skin among all the members. Not considering the iPods that he already lost, most of his things are always in order. Among all, he loves to travel the most on his own. He learned his skills in playing the drums from his father. He has this “Twirl-the-Drumsticks-in-just-a-Second” movement as his astonishing and remarkable gesture during performances. He does that with a killer smile (almost killing all the Lovely Ladies out there)! Aside from the drums and other percussions, he is also skilled in playing the flute. He is an aspiring composer. This naïve – looking person knows how to play football and soccer well, too! I bet his deep sense of perfect timing with his charming smile makes him deserve his position in the band.

                                UNTOUCHABLE Lee Jung Shin, who replaced Kwon Kwang Jin, is the maknae (youngest member) of the band despite the fact that he is tallest among them. Unknown to many, he brings most of the joy in the group. Probably his snobbish looks make others think that he is the stern type of person. However, in real life, he is thoughtful and also loves to bond with Jong Hyun and Min Hyuk. He actually looks like a lady. He is even prettier than most of the Boices! (Peace out!) But, among all members, he sets the highest standards of his ideal girl – this is probably the reason why he revealed that he has not had any relationships which lasted for more than 3 months! Musically speaking, he handles the bass and rap in the band. He once mentioned that he could not imagine his life without music; it’s the only thing he knows well.

                                EMOTIONAL Jung Yong Hwa is the leader of the band. He has the most number of activities and commitments compared to the rest of the members – he is into composing, singing, emceeing, hosting, acting, etc. His fame from “You’re Beautiful” as Kang Shin Woo undeniably influenced in making CNBLUE known to many. Also his appearance and role in “We Got Married” added more interest from more people around the globe. With Seo Hyun of Girls’ Generation as his virtual wife in the said series, the so – called “Yong-Seo” couple bloomed but eventually ended up due to personal and professional commitments. Yong Hwa acts as the guitarist and main vocalist of the band. This man is indeed musically – inclined, considering all his musical capabilities – composing, singing, disc jockeying, playing the guitars, piano, drums, recorder, etc.

                                Yes, we can fly to the sky – high, high, high! I wanna take you there, baby! Certainly, in my own opinion, this would be one of the best lines from the song composed by Yong Hwa, “LOVE GIRL” of CNBLUE. The line makes me imagine a life, a life indifferent from all negativities that reality brings. My bias and inspiration, Jung Shin, mentions this line during their live performances; this fact adds up more meaning what I believe and to what I stand for. On the other hand, Peter Pan’s line, “Just think of happy thoughts, then you can fly!” is somewhat associated to the line from the song. The mere fact of being with CNBLUE makes an extremely happy thought for a Boice like me. Seeing them perform live makes me ecstatic about life. That kind of ecstasy could make me fly, fly high and move away from pessimism caused by the real world.

It is very hard to be a fan girl. I have to face all the prejudices and tolerate all stereotypes all around. Without courage, I seem to be helpless. I have to face the reality that admiring a celebrity is like being in the situation similar to Peter Pan and Wendy’s. It is like living in two different worlds; it is an exigent condition where the fan suffers from various, self-made and emotional dilemmas. On the other hand, the celebrity does not even have any idea of the admirer’s affliction. However, he also has a dilemma of his own. He has to decide well; all eyes are on him. He has to be serious about his job and follow what his handling management tells him to do so. The latter can obstruct him from having his own personal life, or even his own love affair. Indeed, with all the interrelated circumstances around, having a celebrity – fan relationship is tough. As a form of commitment, it has to grow well and must be a give-and-take affiliation.

                                With all the mystifications I have with me today, I consider myself a lost Boice. I am lost because I need to find the right way. I am lost because I am so much bewildered, and have not yet been enlightened. I am lost because I need to find what I deserve. I AM LOST BECAUSE I NEED TO BE FOUND.

                                What for me is Neverland? It is a place where I can find real happiness. For me it is NEVER nonexistent. It is a venue where I realize that growing up is not bad. It does not hinder me from learning and achieving what I deserve. The place also provides me specks of the pixie dust that I need as I discover more of the environment. To be with CNBLUE gives me the experience of being in Neverland.

                                Who for me is Peter Pan? He is someone who inspires and motivates me to be a humble achiever. He reminds me of the importance of knowing the distinction between growing up and growing old. He knows how to make me forget about what it superfluous and focus only to what is really essential. He is a person who makes me believe that when I think of happy thoughts, I can fly, be in the place where I want to be and eventually bring out the best in me. Finally, he is someone who can prove me that music can make me high – as I explore the high skies. HE IS LEE JUNG SHIN.